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Plantae Tutorial Sheet : 6 Jan 2005

1. When several male gametes cluster around a passive female gamete , this phenomenon is known as …….


2. The median constriction is Cosmarium is known as ………


3. The sterile flask shaped structures of Sargassum is called ...............and their openings are called .........................


4. A member of Cyanophyceae showing false branching is ………..


5. The fertile branches of Sargassum are called …………


6. Chantransia is a juvenile stage in the life history of ………….


7. In Sargassum , sex organs are produced in cavities , called ……………


8. Tetraspores in Polysiphonia is produced after …………type of cell division. 


9. The connecting link of the two halves of Cosmarium is called ……………


10. The shape of chloroplast in Spirogyra is ………….


11. Hyaline cells are present in the leaves of ………..


12. The nurse cells are present in the sporogonium of ………….


13. A moss is attached to its substrate by elongated cells called …………


14. Bryophytes are distinct from all other land plants in having an independent ……and a dependent ……….


15. Pseudoelaters help in the dispersal of spores in …………


16. Retort cells are found in ………….


17. Moss rhizoids are characterized by having ………..septum.


18. each cell of Anthoceros thallus has …….. chloroplast and a …………


19. Riccia produces simplest type of …….. which lacks ………… and ………….


20. The spores of Sphagnum germinate to give rise a green and ………protonema.


21. In Lycophyta , the sporangia are borne singly on the ……face of the sporophyll , or in its axil.


22. An adaxial outgrowth from the base of the leaves in Selaginella is called ………….


23. Leaves of ferns are covered by borwn and scaly structures , called …………


24. Marsilea is found generally in ……… habitats.


25. The vascular supply given out for a leaf from the main stele is called ……….


26. Equisetum palustre prefers ………. Habitat.


27. In Equisetum , carinal canals are formed by the disintegration of ……….elements.


28. Circinate venation and presence of ramenta are the characteristic features of ……………


29. Tmesipteris is a living member of the order …………


30. Polygonal areas on the surface of Equisetum cone represents the ………of the sporangiophores.


31. The development of several embryos from a single zygote in Pinus is called ………


32. The sterile upper portion of the microsporophyll of Cycas is called ………


33. Ginkgo biloba is considered a …………fossil.


34. The coralloid roots of Cycas are …………in nature.


35. Number of ovules found on each ovuliferous scale of Pinus is ………


36. In plant kingdom , largest ovules are seen in …………


37. In Pinus , towards the pointed end of endosperm of seed , a thin membranous cap present representing the nucellar tissue , is called …………


38. Generally in gymnosperms , the development of zygote is ………


39. A megasporangium enclosed within an integument is the ……… of a seed plant.


40. Rhynia was discovered from red stone beds of ……………

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